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空洞骑士 格林(团长)全对话 人物解析5

“穿过梦境,听从灯之召唤;采集火焰,于此衰落圣冠。” ---------格林






So, it was you who called us.

很高兴见到你,我的朋友。我是格林,这个剧团的团长。 梦魇之灯已被点亮,我们听从你的召唤来到了这里。这是你选择的盛大舞台,一个被虫与根滋养的王国,是举行我们仪式的绝佳土地。 还有你,我的朋友,你所要做的还远没有结束。

Well met, my friend. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe. The lantern has been lit, and your summons heeded. A fine stage you choose, this kingdom fallowed by worm and root, perfect earth upon which our Ritual shall take place. And you, my friend. Your own part is far from over.


Bravo, my friend. Hear how the crowd adores you! They've not seen such a show in a long time.

再看看!我们的孩子也被我们热烈的舞蹈所滋养,继续成长、变得强大! 我确信,你们两个会成为无数荣耀与悲剧的主角。 我们盛大的仪式就要结束了。你还会不会继续收集火焰?即使你一定已经看到它是如何为我们照亮前路的? 我们鲜红的眼睛会一直盯着你的……朋友。

Look here! How our child has grown, nourished and strengthened by the heat of our passionate dance! The two of you will feature in many tragedies and triumphs together, I'm sure. And so our great Ritual nears its end. Will you continue to harvest the flame, even though now you surely see the path it illuminates for us? Our scarlet eyes will watch you keenly... friend.


Go out into the darkness. Harvest the last lingering embers of this Kingdom. Then return to me and we will complete our dance.


Wonderful. Wonderful! My kin arrive and the time has come.


This searing fire... It carries well the Ritual's promise.


Dance with me, my friend. The crowd awaits. Show them you are worthy of a starring role!

梦魇之灯已点燃,猩红色的火焰中烙下我们的契约。 我们很期待你能立刻开始,不过我们要先把任务解释清楚。

As the lantern flared your role was cast, our compact written in scarlet fire. Eager we are to see you commence, but first, some illumination is required.


I can feel it. The warmth of the flame you've gathBeautiful, yes. The child has grown, from idle youth to deadly companion. About these dangerous lands, its aid will no doubt be welcome. Just don't neglect our dance, for it too continues! Keep hunting that scattered, scarlet essence. When the child is filled with flame once more, return to the stage and the performance will begin.ered together.

一个精彩的开场演出,空气中都弥漫着热烈的气氛。 亲爱的孩子,你做的很好。让你的火焰燃烧得更亮一些吧!

A masterful opening act. The air hums with excitement. Dear child, you've done so well. Let your fire burn even brighter!

真是漂亮。孩子已经成长了,从一个无力作为的青年变成了一位强有力的伴侣。这片土地危机四伏,你一定乐于接受它的帮助。 不过别忘了我们的仪式舞蹈,也要继续进行下去!继续寻找分散在各处的猩红之精华。 当孩子再次燃满火焰之时,回到这里的舞台,表演就会开始。

Beautiful, yes. The child has grown, from idle youth to deadly companion. About these dangerous lands, its aid will no doubt be welcome. Just don't neglect our dance, for it too continues! Keep hunting that scattered, scarlet essence. When the child is filled with flame once more, return to the stage and the performance will begin.

我的亲族分散在这些土地的各处,收集我们……种族特有的精华,梦之火焰。 寻找我的亲族,收集它们的火焰并带回来给我。我们便能一同创造奇迹。 小家伙别担心,你不会孤身一个完成这个任务。我的孩子会引导你找到火焰,并把那些燃烧的精华吸收到其体内。 和你一样,这孩子在任务中也是至关重要的。只有它陪伴在你身边时,火焰和我的亲族才会向你显形。

Across these lands my kin now spread, harvesting that essence peculiar to my... breed, the flame in dream. Seek my kin; claim their flame and return it to me. Together, marvels shall be achieved. But don't fret small one. For this task you won't travel alone. My child shall guide you to the flame and gather within itself that burning essence. Like you, the child plays key role in this task. Only with it by your side will the flame, and my kin, reveal themselves to you.


真是精妙!即使一个被抛弃的容器也容纳着如此凶猛的力量。 你的手艺可真不错,亲爱的沃姆,这真是延续格林之心的完美工具啊。

Masterful! Even a vessel discarded bears fierce strength. Fine craft dear Wyrm, and perfect tool to prolong the heart of Grimm.

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